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Marked: Black Water Academy: Book One Page 7
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Page 7
“Today, we’re going to do a basic test to see where each of you are with your defense training, then we’re going to do some cardio and core training. So spread out across the room, and get into the basic battle stance with your partner, and on the count of three, attack.” He says. I gulp. Right, just go to battle with a general. Easy freaking peasy.
“Three, two, one. ATTACK!” he shouts and watches as the pairs around us attack each other. I stand and watch him as he watches. If he wants to make an example of me, he definitely has the strength to snap me like a twig. I shake out my arms and shoulders and try to relax my muscles. Nothing worse than being stiff going in. He turns to me with a lethal smile.
“Ready, little girl?”
“Ready,” I nod and take up a crouched stance. Surprise flickers across his features, before he wipes them clear and starts for me. I jump up at him, and swing my leg out, aiming for his head, but he catches my ankle and I end up winded, flat out on my back on the mats. I frown in frustration but take his hand to help me up. Halfway up, I tug and go dead pulling him down to the floor with me, but before I can pin him, his hand is around my throat and my back slams on the floor once again.
“Nice try, little girl.” He smirks and it pisses me off. I hate having to hide who I am, but I need to keep myself in check if I want to stay alive.
“Something like that,” I utter back. He removes his hand and stands tall once again, this time not giving me a hand to stand. I groan and jump to my feet, my body slowly remembering what it once knew. He turns and motions for me to attack, and so I do. We spar, punch after punch, kick after kick. He parries my blows but barely manages to land one, if he’s even trying. I growl in frustration, and suddenly realize everyone is watching us. I move my head from side to side, stretching out. Time to show people I really am nothing but a damsel in distress, I guess. I attack again, holding my punches, slowing my movements, once again. The professor captures me in a lock around my throat and squeezes, forcing me to tap out and I fall to the floor, gasping for air when he releases me.
“Well done, ladies and gentleman, you just had your first sparring session. Now grab your water bottles, hydrate, and then we’ll start running suicide runs.” The room groans, other than a few students who seem to be leaps and bounds ahead of the rest and who don’t seem bothered by the prospect.
“Dude, you got your ass kicked!” Ruby laughs when I reach her. She passes me the bottle and I take a slug.
“Of course I did. Did you not hear him? He was a freaking general! I’m just a nothing first year remember. I’ve hardly ever fought before, unless you count fighting at the group home to make sure I kept my bed and my food.”
“Yeah, maybe. But like, everrrrryone saw you get your ass kicked, yet you don’t seem to care.”
“Why would I care what everyone else thinks?” I gulp down the last of the water and stretch out my legs.
“Right, line up along the back wall. You’ll notice the floor is divided into three. For those of you who haven’t done suicide runs before, the idea is simple. You run to the first line and back, then to the second and so on, repeating until you throw up. Understand? Good. Now go!” he blows the whistle around his neck and the students at the front jump and start running.
I start at a leisurely pace. I’ve never been the fastest runner, but my father always said to go for stamina rather than pace. If you have stamina to run, you can pick up the pace when you need to, but if all you have is short sharp bursts then you’re essentially dead. I pick up my pace after about ten hits of the third line, noticing that about half of the class are sat out. I know I should probably call time too, but the competitor inside of me hates that I can’t win.
I fake a stitch and cry off, and go plonk myself on the floor, watching as Ruby competes with the last few stragglers for the win. I watch her push harder, as everyone but two other guys drop. She increases her pace, matching them stride for stride, determination clear on her face. I can’t help the whoop that flies from my mouth in encouragement. Cheers of encouragement start for each runner, and then one of the guys’ footwork stumbles and he’s out, leaving Ruby and one other guy going to dead heat. I might have not known Ruby long, but I’ve learned already she is stubborn as hell under all that pep. There is no way she is going to let herself not win this, even if she needs an ice bath tonight.
I watch as they pace up and down the gym, wishing I hadn’t quit, but glad that Ruby is still up there. A loud beep sounds and the professor blows his whistle. The two of them slow and come back to the group, gulping down air, but they high-five each other and congratulate each other for sticking with it, until Professor Arrowwood blows his whistle again.
“Settle down you lot. Christ, it was just a test. Now I’ve seen each of your levels, I’ll start working out a detailed plan for classes for each of you, and pair you accordingly. Now get gone.” The bell calls out signaling lunch, so I help Ruby back to her feet and she laughs.
“I nearly freaking had him!”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re just a regular superhero. Now let’s get back to dorm and get out of this lot before we really stink.” I laugh.
“As you command!” she salutes and we both laugh as we leave the gym.
I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling as the sun breaks the horizon outside. The last few days have been exhausting, yet despite that, I don’t seem to be able to sleep. I don’t know if it’s the new routine, if it’s all the luxury, or if it’s because I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop, but something just won’t let me relax and rest, and I’m driving myself insane.
A soft knock announces Ruby’s arrival. She’s dressed in her defense gear and is already sweaty. “You run without me, Rubes?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you at like three.”
“I was up, but it’s cool. I’ll just run tonight.” I sigh, sinking back into my pillows.
“So, I heard something today… advantages of being up at the crack of dawn.” She looks nervous, wringing her hands out.
“Well… what did you hear?” I prompt.
“Apparently… some of the original families escaped during the Uprising. They’re saying that there might be students here and at other academies. They’re searching for them.”
“Who did you hear say that? It could just be rumors.” I say, trying to keep my face passive.
“It was Professor Arrowwood and Mrs. Hale. Apparently, they’re putting more defenses in place at the academies in case of a rebellion.”
“A rebellion? What use would that be? I mean, if they’re in hiding, chances are they’re just like you and me, wanting to get to grips with their powers, just wanting to be left alone.” I shrug and throw off my sheets, climbing out of bed. “Why do you look so scared?”
“Scared? Because they’re the originals! The most powerful of Vampires… plus… my dad and two older brothers were recruited in the Uprising. They were part of that entire mess. A lot of my pack was. I didn’t agree with it; none of us did really. The Shifters tend to try to avoid politics, you might’ve noticed. We’re gentle souls really for the main part. But what if it’s true? What if they rebel, or retaliate? I don’t want anything to happen to my family, you know?”
I sit back down, a little stunned. “I…” I clear my throat. “I didn’t know. But if you didn’t agree, why help? So many of those families were innocent: the children, those not in power. Even those who had left the families and the ways, who were of pure blood were killed. The only Vampires left now are those who were made, not born; or those whose bloodline was so watered down, it’s irrelevant, and we’re all significantly less powerful than the families.”
“This is why I wanted you to find out from me. You’re pretty much my only friend here, the other girls are so… bitchy… for the main part anyway, and I’m not about that drama. I didn’t want you to find out and hate me.”
“I wouldn’t hate you for the actions of others, Ruby. Just like you wouldn’t hate me b
ecause of my creator.”
“Of course not!”
“Well there you go then. You can stop worrying. I’m sure it’s just a rumor anyway. From what I heard about the Uprising, the families were pretty well traced, and destroyed in the worst ways. I doubt anyone survived that horror.”
“I can’t imagine what surviving it would be like. Having seen your family killed like that, probably being close to death yourself. Having to hide who you are, survive in the worst conditions with no one to turn to.” She shudders. “But let’s not focus on that. I’m sure you’re right, but I wanted to be honest with you. Friends don’t have deep, dark secrets. So, are you ready for your first buddy session today?”
I roll my eyes and throw myself backward on the bed and she jumps on next to me.
“You mean considering they cancelled my last session due to difficulties working together. Oh yeah, I’m super excited.” I grab a pillow and cover my face, groaning into it.
“On the plus side, it’s Friday, and your birthday tomorrow. What do you want to do?”
“There isn’t really much we can do,” I remove the pillow and shrug. “Maybe just pizza and ice cream up here with an old horror movie marathon? Birthdays aren’t something I’ve celebrated for a while.”
“Well then, more reason for us to do something. You only turn eighteen once!”
“I know, but honestly I’d prefer something low key. I’ve made an ass of myself in front of everyone enough already.” I sigh, pleading with her to drop it. “We can do something fun for yours?”
“Hmm, if you really want. I’m down for a movie marathon. Anyway, we should probably get moving. When was the last time you, er… drank? You’re looking paler than normal.” She asks and I laugh.
“Oh my god, your face. Could you look anymore awkward?” I double over with laughter. It’s not that funny, but I feel tears spring from my eyes, and I hear her laughing too.
“You bitch! It’s a touchy subject for some Vampires, I’ll have you know.” I pull myself together and look in the mirror. She’s right, I do look paler than normal. My white skin looks almost silver, which makes my hair seem shinier, like it’s truly fire.
“You’re right though, I am pale. I’ll grab some down at breakfast. Now go shower, but don’t take forever. Having this buddying thing as my first and only session of the day sucks. Talk about a reason to stay in bed and skip!”
“God, you’re so basic.” She laughs, pretending to flick her hair over her shoulder.
“That’s me, a basic bitch. Now get going!”
“Yes, ma’am.” She salutes and scoots out of the room, her eyes twinkling with laughter as she leaves. I shake my head and head to the shower. I didn’t want a friend here, but she’s kind of hard to not let in. I stand under the steams of hot water and try to relax as it beats down on my back, trying to forget about Ruby’s words of extra defenses and rebellions.
We reach the cafeteria and the noise is about three times its usual levels. Apparently the rumors of potential original family members being at the academy has got out, and what’s worse is I can see the Vampires being singled out, or in huddles together like I haven’t seen since I got here. It’s always been so inclusive. This is the exact reason I hate the new order. It turns people against each other. At least with the families in charge, everyone was treated basically the same. There was no one law for one, and another for the rest. My rage burns inside me, but I try to smother it down. I’ve already noticed this week that my emotions are heightened; probably because of my birthday and the power release tomorrow. I can’t let my emotions get the best of me, especially not now. I keep my head high and follow Ruby to the food hall, grabbing an omelet and two bottles of blood before heading back out into the madness. We sit at our usual table, which is still empty, and the looks we get make me want to laugh and scream.
“You know, you don’t have to sit here with me if you don’t want to,” I tell Ruby and she slams her cutlery down, swallowing the piece of steak she was eating.
“If this lot can’t get past their own fear and pull their heads out their asses, that’s their problem, not mine.” She says loud enough for a good portion of the room to hear.
“Hear, hear. I second that.” Creed says as he plonks down next to me, nodding to Ruby. She smiles back, and I don’t think I’d have been more shocked if pink ravens flew through the school at that exact moment. “Morning, ladies. Aren’t you enjoying today’s latest spectacular?”
“No skank in tow today, Gus?” Ruby asks him and I cough back my laughter.
“Now then, little wolf. Be careful what you say. While Amberley might be a pain in the ass sometimes, her family has a lot of pull in the new order.” He warns.
She rolls her eyes, stuffing more steak into her mouth.
“You ready for our session today, Eden?” He asks, before taking a bite out of his toast.
“So, I’m with you today?”
“You’re with us both.” I look up and see Ethan standing opposite me, with Cam to his right. “Can we join you?” he asks as they both sit opposite us, while Ruby looks at me with a shit-eating grin.
“Well, aren’t I just the lucky girl of the day.”
“That you are. Ethan here didn’t trust me not to try to corrupt you, and I didn’t trust him not to have a stick up his ass. So, you get us both. Most girls would do many things for that sort of attention you know?”
“Well, go give it to them then,” I smile at him sweetly before sucking down some more blood, feeling the slight high that comes with ingesting so much of it. I sigh. Kane and Ava come to join us, along with a girl I haven’t met yet.
“Guys, this is Blakeley. She’s my buddy for the year,” Ava tells us as they sit. “She’s Fae and is already very skilled. I was thinking, Eden, that in a few weeks once you’ve both had a good start to your training, we could maybe try to pair you guys up for some sparring matches? Since your birthdays are so close, there won’t be a huge power difference.”
“Sounds fine to me, if these two knuckleheads can agree on anything long enough to actually train me.” I smile and everyone at the table laughs except for Ethan.
“You’ll be more than ready, don’t you worry.” He says straight-faced, as if it pains him to even be here.
“Too right she will; what with my wicked skills and your stellar personality. She’ll be the star of the school,” Creed digs.
“Entertaining as this all is, some of us have to get to class,” Ruby says and stands, just as the first bell rings out. The table groan, and most of them say their goodbyes before heading to class. I sit with Ethan and Creed, finishing my blood while the rest of the student body filters out with the second warning bell.
“So where to, boys?” I ask, my gaze bouncing between them.
“We were thinking outside, by the forest line. You’re not exactly dressed for it though.” Creed says, looking over at my uniform. “You might want to change into your defense gear.”
I look at them both properly and realize they’re already in their gear, just with black hoodies on over the top of their vests. “Okay, well how about I head upstairs and change, and I’ll meet you both out there?”
“Sounds fine.” Ethan says and stands.
“Good with me too.” I stand, followed closely by Creed who stands very close to me. “We’ll see you out there.”
I smile tightly at them both and try not to run away from them.
I walk down to the green where Ethan and Creed said they’d wait for me, and find them by the lake arguing, again. I sigh and stroll over, then sit down on the floor.
“Are you guys going to finish bickering anytime soon, or can I just go back to bed?”
“I knew this was a bad idea. I told Laney as soon as she mentioned it.” Ethan broods.
“Look, I think the biggest problem is we have different ideas of what’s best to teach her. So let’s say I get Monday and Thursdays, and you’ll train her Wednesday and Fridays. We’ll each teach her wh
at we think is best, and then she has options.” Creed suggests and they both stare down at me.
“That’s fine with me, so I guess today is Ethan’s day.” I say and Creed’s smile drops.
“I guess it does; if he’s okay with that?”
“It’s better than the alternative.” Ethan snipes and Creed shrugs.
“Well, I guess I’ll be off then. I’ll catch you tomorrow, birthday girl. Have fun, just not too much.” He winks at me before heading back toward the dorms, leaving me with a quiet and brooding Ethan.
“Look, I know we didn’t exactly get off to the best of starts, though I have no idea why, but anyway, how about we start afresh?” I say as I stand, trying not to squint in the sun.
“Fine. But we’re not here to be friends, we’re here for you to learn.”
“Okay, I get it, but there’s no need to be such a jackass about it.” The words fly from my mouth and my eyes widen.
“Well, so much for that fresh start. Let’s start with what you know about blood lust. How has it affected you up until now?” he asks. Way to start nice and personal.
“If we’re talking, I’m sitting.” I tell him and slump back down on the lawn. I wait, looking up at him for him to sit. He rolls his eyes, but does the same, sitting opposite me cross-legged. “So, blood lust. It’s not something I’ve actually ever really struggled with. To the point I’ve forgotten to drink until someone mentions I look pale, or I feel super weak. As a child I was hungry all the time, but as I got older it lessened, and then when I went to the group home, it basically subsided.”
“I didn’t know you were in a group home…” he says softly, shocking me.
“Yeah, I lost my mom at fifteen, and so they sent me to the group home until I started here. It was really something.”
“I’m sorry, I know how hard it can be to lose your mom. I lost mine too. She was trying to hide our friends during the Uprising and was killed along with them.” He looks shocked at his admission.